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Taking Care of Your Pearly Whites with Braces

August 15, 2016

A lot of kids and even adults are going for orthodontic treatments to make their smiles perfect. Braces help in getting rid of under and over bites, resolve the problem of crooked teeth and gaps in between teeth. Here is how you can take care of your braces for better efficacy and glossiness of the pearly whites.

  1. Wear Mouth Guards

    People who wear braces often wonder if they can participate in sports. Then here is some good news for you; yes, you can! However, you have to take extra care of your teeth while you do so because injuries during practice sessions and games can get severely hurt you. In order to protect your teeth and jaws, you should wear mouth guards on both your upper and lower jaw. Visit your dentist to get a custom-built mouth guard so that they fit perfectly.

  2. Brush and Floss

    You need to stick to really good oral hygiene practices now more than ever before. Being extra cautious about plaque formation and gum protection from diseases is more significant. This means that you will have clean your teeth by using mouth wash, flossing and brushing at regular intervals. Brush and floss your teeth gently or else the brackets or the wire may snap. Using a toothbrush with soft bristles helps in doing so. Brushing after consuming a meal is recommended or else food particles might get stuck in between the teeth, making bacteria feast upon the leftovers which may result in the formation of plaque. Flossing would clean the wires and the food stuck in between teeth. To keep your braces in good shape, don’t apply too much force when flossing teeth with your braces on.

  3. Food you should Avoid Eating

    Once you have the braces, you will have to modify your diet. You should avoid eating gooey foods like gummy bears, sour candies or caramels. Also refrain from eating hard, crunchy eatables like nuts, pretzels and popcorn as these may cause the wire to break as soon as you munch on them. Even ice is injurious to the braces. Hard fruits like apples should either be consumed after peeling off their skin or grinding them. Additionally, steer away from chewing on pens and pencils if you have such a habit.

  4. Seek Immediate Help

    There is still a chance that despite taking extremely good care of your braces, they might break, snap, or their brackets might detach. If the brackets or wires get loose, you should not delay your trip to dentist. Broken wires are extremely dangerous as you could swallow them. They might even scratch the oral cavity in some cases. Schedule an appointment as soon as you discover a missing band or bracket and get it repaired as soon as it is possible.

    Braces require you to become more alert and vigilant but it is worth it as after all, you are getting a brilliant shiny smile in return. Visit Village Park Family Dental if you want an attractive set of teeth as a result of the best orthodontic service in the vicinity.

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