Gum Disease Treatment Cypress, Texas 77429
Gum disease begins with the build-up of plaque in tiny crevices between your teeth and gums. This plaque contains bacteria which, if not treated, can lead to infection and inflammation. As time passes, the inflammation worsens and leads to tooth loss.
An early sign of gum disease is a condition called Gingivitis which begins as a reddening of the gums. As the disease progresses, the gum separates from the teeth leading to further inflammation and loosening of the teeth. Intervention is needed to avoid losing the teeth.
Gingivitis is a serious disease and should be treated by a dental professional. Without treatment, the condition gradually develops into periodontal disease and may result in tooth loss. General medical problems such as heart disease and diabetes have been linked to gum diseases, so early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. The dentists at Village Park are trained to recognize and treat gingivitis and are here to help you maintain good oral health.
If gingivitis is not treated, it could develop into a more serious form of gum disease called ‘periodontitis.’ This condition is an advanced form of periodontal disease and is a major cause of tooth loss. Symptoms of periodontitis include receding gums, pockets between gums and teeth, loose teeth, or tooth pain. The separation of the gums from teeth creates a pocket-like opening around your teeth where bacteria can accumulate. This bacteria build-up further aggravates the problem causing inflammation and damage to teeth and bone.
Should you have any of these symptoms, you should see a dental professional as soon as possible. Both gingivitis and periodontitis are treatable using techniques such as deep cleaning, sub-gingival irrigation, and antibacterial mouthwash. Call Village Dental Center today and schedule an appointment, (281) 376-4444.