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Dos and don’ts after tooth extraction

February 15, 2021

With the rising oral problems nowadays, tooth extraction is one of the standard procedures today. People suffer from periodontal diseases, undergo injuries or accidents, or have other health issues that affect the teeth and gums. No doubt that it is the last resort any dentist would opt for when there is no chance left to save the teeth, especially when it is the permanent set. Besides, there are certain precautions to take after the procedure, knowing it will help you recover recovery. The article explains the dos and don’ts after tooth extraction, what you need to take care of.

Dos after tooth extraction

  • You will need some rest after tooth removal, especially for one day; hence plan it accordingly. The first 24 hours are critical, the blood clot should not damage, and you might have to use regular ice packs to reduce bleeding in case. Keep your head in an upright position and use a pillow below the head when you go to sleep. It will quicken up the recovery.
  • After the procedure, the dentist will put gauze in the area to stop bleeding and form a clot. You will have to keep the gauze for 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the instructions. The place opens up during the procedure hence needs a cover for some time before proper clot forms. However, don’t engage in any activity that damages the clot. Talk to your oral practitioner about it.
  • Try to stay hydrated and drink lots of water. It naturally speeds up the recovery, but don’t use a straw. The sucking action will damage the clot and result in bleeding, sip directly from the glass. There is a chance that for a few hours after the extraction, the area bleeds a little that can mix with the water while drinking; if so, spit slowly. To rinse, mix water with a bit of salt; this would reduce the spread of infections.
  • Many people experience swelling after the procedure, gently using an ice pack over the area can help. Do it for some time to see the results and start early after removal. These are helpful mostly in the first 24 hours; if the condition doesn’t improve, visit the clinic for further guidance.

Don’ts after tooth extraction

  • Avoid smoking and drinking after tooth extraction. The chemicals found in them are harmful and can form dry sockets resulting in excruciating pain and sensitivity.
  • Do not eat hard, spicy, or crunchy food for the next few days. It might damage the exposed area. Moreover, avoid too hot or cold food. Having a liquid diet or a soft one is the best choice as they don’t require much chewing.
  • Do not poke the place; avoid inserting your tongue, fingers, tissues, or toothpick in the exposed area. A small mistake will result in much pain and oral problems.

For more details on dos and don’ts after tooth extraction, visit Village Park Dentistry for treatment. Call us at 281-376-4444 to schedule your oral appointment.

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