12617 Louetta Rd Suite #204 Cypress, TX 77429


(281) 376-4444



Monday – Friday: 08:00 am – 05:00 pm
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What Is The Right Way To Floss?

January 30, 2022

It’s not a big deal if your gums bleed while flossing happens once in a while, but is a bit concerning when it’s happening regularly. It just means that you are not doing the right way to floss your teeth. It’s anti-social talking to someone with blood-streaked over your teeth and can make eating or drinking difficult. Whatever your symptoms are, from bleeding gums to an inflamed mouth, there are reasons why you’re experiencing these problems and you can fix them.

Flossing is a simple and easy way to combat tooth decay and gum disease. But this doesn’t mean that it is without its challenges. Flossing can be difficult if you don’t know how to do it properly.

All dentists will say that flossing is one of the most important habits you can develop to keep your teeth and gums healthy, but there is a right way to floss. Most of the time when you experience bleeding gums, this is caused by the pressure placed on your gums. When you are flossing, hold that thought for a second before you go any further. While flossing becomes easier with time, there are also steps you can take to decrease or stop bleeding.

What is the right way to floss?

  • Secure the floss by holding it with your thumbs and forefingers.
  • Slowly glide the floss in between your teeth.
  • As you almost reach your gums with the floss, be really careful by not letting the floss touch your gums. Gums are very sensitive, and a simple rigid glide or touch can cause damage to it resulting in bleeding and pain. Make sure to create a C curve when you meet the gum line to avoid it.
  • Then, make sure to floss all the spaces between your teeth regardless of whether there are visible food particles or none.
  • Swish and rinse your mouth with water to remove any tartar or food particles in your mouth.

Flossing is as important as brushing teeth. Never ever skip that step the next time you will clean your teeth. Additional help is needed when instructions are followed but gums are still bleeding due to flossing. Contact us at 281-376-4444 to set an appointment or consultation. You can also visit our website for more details about us and our services. vpfamilydental. In Village Park Dental- Dr. Saba, we are more than happy to help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

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