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(281) 376-4444



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How to Stop Bleeding After Tooth Extraction

November 15, 2020

Having tooth removal might be one of the difficult days of your life, but it will be essential, depending on the circumstances. Many of us have concerns about its aftermath and how to stop bleeding after tooth extraction? However, the area takes time to heal and gradually forms cloth, which stops bleeding. In case it doesn’t, a few underlying reasons are possible. At the dental clinic, there will be a thorough checkup, and necessary action will carry on. But what if the bleeding starts a few hours after the treatment when you remove the stuck gauze from your empty socket? Read here to find a few tips that can help stop bleeding and result in a quick recovery.

Teabag to stop bleeding after extraction

You might have never known that a black tea bag has the capability of forming cloth in your blood. Placing a warm tea bag on the bleeding area stops the blood flow after tooth extraction. It thickens the blood and also constricts the blood vessels in the gums, which are quite useful. This is a natural remedy; just put it in the boiling water for a few minutes. Then remove it and once a bit at room temperature directly place for 5 minutes on the treated area.

Applying gauze can help

Another way is to apply gauze to the bleeding area. Take care that the whole part is covered; bite and put pressure for at least an hour. If the need arises, you can change the blood-filled gauze in half an hour but be careful to exert the right amount of pressure; otherwise, the bleeding won’t stop. Few lotions and herbs are available, like zinc lozenges when put on the gauze, will speed up the recovery process. It clogs the blood and thickens it so that flow restricts. Besides, vitamin C powder is also useful in doing the work. Discuss at the clinic if other options are available and take the dentist’s suggestions.

Use of ice

The use of tiny ice pieces in the treated area will minimize the bleeding and constrict the blood vessels to stop the flow. Our mouth temperature is warm naturally; ice acts as a coolant and heals the place rapidly. Put the ice crystals on the gauze and place it in the empty socket, and in some minutes, the bleeding will stop. It is also necessary to keep the head raised after the extraction; even while lying on the bed, use a head support pillow. Lying flat will lead to excessive bleeding; the head should stay above the body at least for a few hours or a day.

Other activities to avoid immediately after tooth extraction

Do not continue with exercises for a day or two after tooth removal; however, slow walking is fine. Avoid lifting heavy objects like a chair or other furniture in your room as it increases the heartbeat and blood flow in the body. So, more bleeding can result. You can continue the routine after a few days and remember not to use a straw, have fresh juices, smoothies or soup directly with the glass, and avoid smoking. So, the following points will guide you on how to stop bleeding after tooth extraction.

To schedule an appointment with Village Park Dentistry, call  281-376-4444 .

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