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Can I drink coffee after tooth extraction?

December 15, 2020

Getting a permanent tooth pulled out is one of the unfortunate events; however, it is necessary in many cases. Besides, if you are a coffee freak and can’t imagine a day without it, your first question before sitting on the dentist’s chair will be, can I drink coffee after tooth extraction? Let’s look ahead to find out.

Effects of drinking coffee after tooth extraction

Removing teeth is a common practice at the dental clinic; immediately after the removal wound remains; it bleeds until the formation of a clot. Hence the patient has to take proper care for a few days until the wound heals itself. Usually, a gauze swab is put in the empty socket to stop bleeding and protect the area. For a few hours, you can’t have coffee due to the following reasons:

  • The use of caffeine enlarges the vessels of our muscles. There is a chance that it results in bleeding, and the wounds will take a much longer time to heal.
  • Secondly, coffee boosts our energy. One reason for this is that it increases blood pressure. After the extraction, drinking coffee results in bleeding from the empty socket due to a rise in blood pressure.
  • Lastly, caffeine forms acid in the stomach for digestion. After the extraction, your diet may limit for a few hours or a day; hence the excess acid causes nausea, heartburn, and even vomiting.

Furthermore, ask the dentist for the best advice. Depending on your condition, it is possible to have it after three to four hours.

How to drink coffee after a few hours of tooth removal

After a few hours of extraction, most of us can enjoy a cup of coffee; however, it should not be hot. Don’t have food and beverages which are too cold or hot as it triggers the exposed nerve endings and is painful. If you are having a coffee at room temperature, don’t add in any spices, including cinnamon or lemon, as again it affects the wounds in your mouth and start the pain. Try to limit the number of cups at least for the next 24 hours. Moreover, caffeine might not let you sleep after the removal. Resting quickens up the recovery of your body.

Use of straw

One more advice is that don’t drink coffee using the straw; sip it from a cup directly. The sucking action of the straw damages the clot and results in bleeding and pain. The wound opens up and can take a much longer time to heal afterward. If you feel drinking from a cup is getting into the open wound, try using a small cup and have smaller sips. Besides, add less sugar as it also delays your recovery. Remember to rinse your mouth after the cup of coffee.

It is better to talk to the dentists, as can I drink coffee after tooth extraction? For further questions and oral treatments, visit Village Park Dentistry. Call us at 281-376-4444 to schedule your oral appointment.

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