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Why Are My Gums Turning White & What Should I Do About It?

July 15, 2022

Healthy gums are supposed to be pink. White and red gums can indicate underlying health complications, from canker sores and anemia to oral cancer. Keep reading to discover why your gums are turning white.

Reasons Why Your Gums Are Turning White

Many factors contribute to pale gums. You might notice that your gums look white after a dental procedure like tooth whitening. Alternatively, it might be accompanied by other symptoms that indicate another issue. Some reasons you have white gums include:

1. Anemia
You can get white gums due to anemia, a medical condition that causes a low number of red blood cells. Deficiency in iron or vitamin B-12 and medical conditions can cause anemia. Apart from anemia gums, you might also experience dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, etc., if you have this condition. Additionally, you will observe an overall pale skin.

2. Canker Sores
The white spots on your gums can be canker sores. They are open wounds that form inside your mouth, on your cheeks, under your tongue, and on the bottom of your gums. Canker sores have yellow or white centers, usually with redness around it. However, they might not be the culprit if your entire gum line is white.

3. Dental Procedures
Sometimes, you will notice your gums turning white after teeth whitening or tooth extraction. It is due to the chemicals used in the whitening procedure, and the gums return to their normal color within a few hours. Similarly, white gums after tooth extraction are due to the trauma of the process; the white goes away after a few days.

4. Oral Cancer
White gums can also signify severe health conditions like oral cancer. Usually, oral cancer does not come with many symptoms, leading to a delayed diagnosis. It can look like small red, white, or flesh-colored bumps on your gums, tongue, and mouth’s roof.

5. Gingivitis
Gum infections can also make them appear pale. Gingivitis is a bacterial infection that comes with loose teeth, and bleeding, inflamed, or red gums. Poor oral hygiene can lead to serious issues like gum disease.

6. Oral Candidiasis
Gums turning white can be due to a yeast infection that develops in your mouth, called oral thrush. It spreads in your mouth, especially your gums and tongue. Moreover, it might look red or white. Hence, you can get white gums from a yeast infection.

How to Get Rid of White Gums?

You can treat white gums in multiple ways, depending on the cause, including:

  • Practicing proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups
  • A canker sore heals within 2 weeks. If not, visit your dentist.
  • Dietary changes and supplements in case of anemia
  • Antifungal medications for oral candidiasis
  • Treatment for oral cancer, depending on which stage you have.

What Is The Takeaway?

Multiple factors can be behind your gums turning white, and the treatment depends on the underlying cause. Nonetheless, you should never overlook white gums and visit your dentist when you notice them. Our dental specialist at Village Park Family Dental can help you with your oral health concerns. Dial 281-376-4444 to get in touch with them now.

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