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(281) 376-4444



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Can I Eat Popcorn With Braces?

August 15, 2020

It may surprise you, but Popcorn is the single worst thing you can eat with braces. The reason being Popcorn kernels! For ones without braces, popcorn kernels can cause minor discomfort but can be relatively quickly taken care of with floss. However, with braces, kernels can get stuck for extended periods, leading to excruciating swelling of gum tissue. It may also require the removal of braces and wires to clean out the area.

Like Popcorn, some foods consistently cause issues for braces patients, such as:

Ice – Ice isn’t technically food, but teens usually love to chew on ice. It’s not good for teeth in general, but it is especially bad for braces. Kids showing up to adjustment appointments with multiple brackets broken often admit to chewing ice.

Corn on the Cob – Corn on the cob is one of the hardest foods to eat with braces. Corn is perfectly fine, as long as you cut it off the cob first.

Hard Candy – Hard candies are a great way to break braces, especially when you bite down hard on them. A good way is to suck on the candies until they dissolve, it won’t hurt the brackets, but the sugar is not particularly great for the teeth either, so it’s a no.

Beef Jerky –Beef jerky requires a lot of effort to chew, and not surprisingly, is bad for braces.

Sugary Gum –Some orthodontists don’t allow their patients to chew gum. While others only allow sugar-free gum. You should avoid sugary gum as it can cause cavities and dislodge the thin wires placed at the very beginning of orthodontic treatment

Raw Carrots and Whole Apples – Eating raw carrots and apples require biting with the front teeth, which often leads to broken brackets. However, cutting up apples and carrots makes them more manageable and less dangerous for braces.

If you have any questions about the foods you can eat or not with braces, call Village Park Dental at 281-376-4444. 

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