New You Dentures Cypress, Texas 77429
New You Dentures offer a brand new alternative to traditional dentures and a great new look. These dentures are crafted to give a very natural and ‘real’ look and can help patients reduce bone loss in the jaw associated with aging. Developed by a dentist from the Las Vegas Institute, New You Dentures use the jawbone as the base for a cantilevered denture and are hand-crafted to give your profile as nearly as possible to its original proportions.
The dentists at Village Park Dental are trained in LVI techniques and offer the New You Denture as an alternative to conventional dentures. These are custom fit and can be permanently attached or built to be removable. Principal advantages of this new type denture are both its natural appearance and the most comfortable bite possible. The excellent quality of the bite results from taking into account neuromuscular techniques to determine the most comfortable bite possible for each patient. Our dentists are happy to discuss the full range of denture options available at Village Park Dental. Give us a call today, (281) 376-4444.