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Common Ways for Children to Damage their Teeth

June 07, 2016

Children are geniuses when it comes to making trouble. Every parent experiences this; you find your kid doing stuff that isn’t just harmful for them, but is also so strange that you wouldn’t even think of it. Kids are very creative at harming themselves as well. They’ll injure themselves and make themselves sick by eating strange items and trying to do a lot of stupid things. If you want to ensure that your children have healthy teeth then the following things are what you need to look out for. You can’t really control all of them but you can be as careful as possible.

Skipping Brushing

This is the obvious but the main culprit when it comes to children’s dental problems. Once kids become old enough that you don’t supervise their dental routine they will often go to the bed without brushing their teeth. Combine this with the candy that kids love to eat and what you have is a recipe for disaster. This is sort of a tricky situation as well; you don’t want to go in and check your child’s teeth every night because that comes in the territory of coddling. Try to naturally check a few times and if you can see that your kid is brushing their teeth at night you’re good.

Chipping their teeth

This one you can’t really do anything about. We get a lot of worried parents because their kid fell somewhere and broke a part of their tooth. Children will get hurt since they run around all day and don’t really think about the consequences of anything. You just need to ensure that you have a first aid kit at home. Kids will grow their adult teeth later on so this isn’t really that much of an issue, you just have to make sure the damage is superficial by going to the dentist.

Bad dietary habits

We are sad whenever we see a kid whose teeth are damaged simply because their diet is too unhealthy. As a parent you need to ensure that the food you are providing to your child does not cause damage to their teeth of any other part of the body. Soda is really bad for your teeth and you should ensure that your kids do not get addicted to drinking soda every day. Sugar is bad as well but what is much worse is sticky candy. If your kids have been eating candy you need to make sure that they brush their teeth properly. A small piece of a candy stuck in the teeth of your child can cause a lot of harm if it stays stuck there. Teach your kid to flush and help them brush whenever possible so they remove any harmful food particles quickly.

Avoid whatever you can avoid. If there is something you cannot avoid then make sure you have the tools to deal with the consequences. We would like to end by saying that pretty much all the tooth pain remedies you see online either do not work at all or only work temporarily. If your kid complains about hurting teeth get them to the dentist as soon as possible.

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