Babies start teething when they are between 6 months to 2 years old. As the teeth attempt to break through their gum lines, they may feel some discomfort and try to alleviate it by putting everything they see into their mouths. If your baby is teething, here are some ways you can reduce their pain:
Cold treatment
During teething, the baby’s gums get swollen and it is the major reason for their discomfort. You can soothe the pain and reduce the swelling by using a cold napkin to massage the gums gently. Make sure that the napkins are clean and put them in the fridge beforehand. You can also ask for teething rings at your local drugstore. Put these also in the fridge before giving them to your children. While they chew on it, the cold soothes the gums.
Gum massage
Just rubbing your fingers across their gums will also help. Apply minimal pressure and let them suck on your fingers. Ensure that your nails are clipped and your hands, thoroughly washed before you do this.
Wipe off the drool
During teething, children produce more drool than usual. Clean up the drool as soon as it drops outside their mouths; if you don’t, it dries up on your kid’s skin and the irritation that follows discomforts the child even more.
Consult your dentist
Talk to your family dentist about medications that can be used to reduce a baby’s discomfort during teething. There are a couple of gels, liquid medications and pills available. Combine these with the natural treatments above.
Do not use any teething medication for your child without first consulting a dentist. If you live in Cypress, Texas, Village Park Family Dentistry is one of the best dental facilities in the area. Call 281-376-4444 to make an appointment