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Tooth pain after filling: Is it normal?

July 30, 2021

Quite a few times, patients experience tooth pain after filling. Is it normal? Or is tooth sensitivity months after a filling is the point of concern? Or do you need to fear toothache?
Well, look no more for the correct answers! The blog answers all your queries related to tooth pain after filling.

What is tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is usually indicated when a person experiences mild discomfort or pain after having a cold or hot drink and food. It is a common sign and usually seen in patients who have gone cavity filling or tooth extractions.
The cause behind it hints at the inflammation of nerves present inside the tooth. When the nerve is inflamed after dental work, patients experience tooth sensitivity.

Causes of tooth pain after filling:

Most of the time, when an individual goes through dental procedures experiences tooth sensitivity. This sign is usually expected. However, when it persists for a month, it raises a point of concern for sure. Therefore, to rule out the causes, you must visit your dentist for a checkup.
The causes of pain after filling are as follows:

1. Filling getting in the way:

When tooth filling is incorrectly placed, it usually interferes when you take a bite. Therefore, when a person is chewing food, it gets in the way. As a result, the patient experiences pain and cracks in the filling. When left untreated, the dental filling might get damaged, break, or even fall off. It leads to exposing your tooth.
In such a situation, dentist attention and care are required instantly.

2. Infection:

Oral infection is yet another common cause of tooth pain after filling. It is seen when hygiene isn’t maintained after the procedure or your dentist has used contaminated products. In both circumstances, pain after filling is seen. Patients experience sharp and throbbing pain in oral infection.

3. Allergies:

Quite a few times, patients are allergic to certain substances used during dental procedures. If a patient is allergic, it causes pain after filling. Therefore, in such a situation, you are required to communicate such things to your dentist beforehand.

4. Cracks to your teeth filling:

If the pain after filling persists for weeks, and you find cracks in your teeth, it’s time to visit a dentist. The gap or damage to your tooth leads to pain in your nerve and tissues. Thus, as a result, it causes sharp and throbbing pain, which makes you irritable.

In a wrap:

If you have faced tooth sensitivity months after filling, you should visit your dentist. In addition, you are advised to maintain regular dental hygiene. Ask your dentist about tips and tricks to maintain oral hygiene. Flossing and brushing are significant factors in maintaining oral hygiene. Maintain the correct order, and stick to it.
A considerable difference is observed in people who stick to the dental hygiene order. If the pain doesn’t subside after filling for months, antibiotics and surgical interventions are suggested accordingly.
The standard time of tooth pain after filling is usually a few days or 1 or 2 weeks. However, if it continues, there is something wrong, and you must see your dentist.

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