12617 Louetta Rd Suite #204 Cypress, TX 77429


(281) 376-4444



Monday – Friday: 08:00 am – 05:00 pm
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When Should You Take Your Child to See a Dentist?

November 21, 2015

On your child’s first birthday, you should make an appointment with a family dental care clinic in your area. You can either visit the dentist on the same day as your child’s birthday or if that is too scary for your child, take them the following week. However, most parents will think that is too early and that they should take their child to the dentist a little later.

According to research, one in four kids in the United States is reported to have a cavity by age four. With most children getting a cavity by age two. Hence, it makes sense to take your child to the dentist at age one. In doing so, you will be playing an active role in eliminating the risk of cavity. Moreover, the dentist can answer your questions regarding your child’s oral health.

Going to the Dentist Will Give You an Opportunity to Discuss Dental Hygiene

When you sit down with the dentist with your child, take the opportunity to discuss the following topics:

  • How should you take care of your child’s teeth?
  • What are the correct amounts of fluoride you should use to maintain your child’s oral health?
  • What should you do if your child has a habit of sucking his or her thumb or finger?
  • How can you prevent accidents that may result in damaged teeth?
  • What are the milestones of growth?
  • What should you know about teething?
  • What is the connection between oral health and diet?

The dentist will provide you with tips on how to care for your child’s teeth at home. They will also provide you with a list of foods your child should consume to maintain the health of their teeth. Lastly, they will give you a schedule, detailing on how often you should bring your child in for visits.

Examining Your Child’s Teeth—What Can You Expect?

When you take your child to the dentist for the first time, the dentist will perform the following dental checkups:

  • They will look over your child’s medical history
  • They will answer your questions and provide you with solutions to your problems
  • They will talk to you about the following things:
  • Development and teething
  • Inform you about how their teeth will come together
  • alk to you about their gums and cheeks
  • Tell you the age it is not appropriate for them to suck their thumb and what measures you can take to prevent it if the habit does not go away on its own
  • Tell you to practice good oral hygiene habits at home
  • Ask you about any family history of cavities

The dentist will examine your child’s teeth while your child is on your lap and will tell you to lie down on the chair so they can see clearly inside your child’s mouth.

You can make an appointment with Village Park Dental when your child turns one. We welcome same day appointments in case you want to bring them on their birthday.

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