If you are looking for a family dentist in Cypress, choose a provider who can offer a completely comprehensive approach to treatment through physiologic dentistry. LVI trained dentists do more than treat teeth and gums.
An LVI trained family dentist in Cypress will look at the complete picture, including musculature, bones and teeth. This perspective allows much more effective dentistry for children and adults. Conditions such as bruxism (teeth grinding) are eliminated, in most cases, rather than simply being managed.
Complete Health
When you go to a dentist, he or she will typically aim to resolve issues that affect the teeth, gums, and surrounding bones. However, much of the dental work you receive is based on limited information. By trusting your care to an LVI family dentist in Cypress, there is the potential to address a broader range of health problems.
Your family dentist in Cypress will identify signs and symptoms of conditions such as temporomandibular disorder (TMD), the underlying cause of malocclusion (misaligned teeth) and bite position related to headaches. In fact, the physiologic bite is also related to the rest of the body, a detail which plays an important part in how an LVI dentist approaches examination and treatment.
Multidisciplinary Treatment
Multidisciplinary treatment traditionally refers to treatment provided by a number of healthcare professionals, each concentrating on a different source of chronic pain. An LVI dentist is trained to recognize the relationship between the mechanisms of the mouth and how they relate to other areas of human anatomy. That means your family dentist in Cypress can treat multiple symptoms, all stemming from the same underlying condition.
A good example of when a family dentist in Cypress can provide multidisciplinary treatment is in the case of issues that affect bite position. When your bite position is off, even by a fraction, your muscles are forced to work harder. This can result in the muscles becoming strained, which in turn may lead to a misalignment of the temporomandibular joint. A domino effect, of sorts, takes place in this scenario, where you may begin to experience neck and shoulder pain, lack of sleep, and even tingling in the fingers.
A family dentist in Cypress who is LVI trained will identify the underlying causes of conditions, rather than temporarily treating symptoms. Village Park Family Dental can provide your family with the quality of treatment they deserve. Call today if you would like to learn more about LVI dentistry training and what it means for you.