12617 Louetta Rd Suite #204 Cypress, TX 77429


(281) 376-4444



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Composite vs. Porcelain Veneers: Which Option is Better for You?

July 15, 2023

If you are looking to enhance your smile, dental veneers are an excellent choice. You can find two primary types of veneers: porcelain and composite. Though they have the same goal, there are a few elements that separate the two. Your cosmetic dentist can help you decide which option to go for. However, you should be aware of the difference between composite vs. porcelain veneers. You can learn which one is right for you in this blog!

Composite vs. Porcelain Veneers: What are the Benefits?

Before we dive into the differences between the two, let’s discuss the advantages each type of veneer offers. Generally, veneers help cover and fix stained, misshapen, or chipped teeth — to name a few benefits.

If you opt for porcelain veneers, you can expect the following pros:

  • Customized according to your teeth
  • Long-lasting
  • Composed using strong materials
  • Fixes stubborn dark stains on teeth
  • Give a natural appearance

On the other hand, you have these advantages with composite veneers:

  • Less costly
  • Same-day treatment, which means you have to sit through one appointment to receive the veneers.
  • Addresses any aesthetic issue, including discoloration, shape, and more.

Difference Between Porcelain Veneers vs. Composite Veneers

Now that you have some understanding regarding the benefits each type of veneer offers let’s proceed to how they are different. Here is a list of differences between composite vs. porcelain veneers:

  1. Time
    The application process for both veneers differs slightly. Composite veneers are a good option if you are looking for same-day treatment or fast application. Your dentist will ensure that the veneer matches the shade of your natural teeth. Then, they will add it to the affected area, and cure it, followed by polishing. In just one visit to the dental office, you can enjoy a new and much-enhanced smile!For porcelain veneers, you will need two dental appointments. First, the dentist removes a thin layer of enamel, takes an impression of the concerned tooth, and sends the mold to the dental lab. You will be called again when the dentist receives the veneers; meanwhile, you will be given a temporary alternative to cover the tooth. During the second visit, porcelain veneers are attached.
  2. Durability
    Porcelain veneers tend to last 10 to 15 years with proper care and maintenance. Composite veneers last only 4 to years. It may be fragile, but once bonded to the tooth, porcelain material proves to be extremely durable. In comparison, composite is stronger but vulnerable to chipping and damage. Moreover, while you can repair a damaged composite veneer, porcelain veneers have to be replaced.
  3. Cost
    Cost is another factor that separates composite veneers from porcelain. Initially, porcelain veneers tend to cost more, given that their placement takes more time, expertise, as well as resources. In the long term, though, composite veneers might require more repairs, and they do not last as long, which may cause the total cost to be more than that of porcelain.

Final Takeaway

Veneers have the same goal — fixing the aesthetics of your teeth and enhancing your smile. However, there are some differences when it comes to the cost, durability, and time taken for the application of composite vs. porcelain veneers.

At Village Park Family Dental, we do not compromise when it comes to your dental and oral health. Dial (281) 376-4444 for the best dental treatment, or give us a visit at 12617 Louetta Rd Suite #204 Cypress, TX 77429.

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