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Dental Crown VS Dental Implants

September 15, 2023

While these procedures are used to restore lost teeth/tooth; dental crowns and dental implants and two vastly different procedures used in restorative dentistry; in terms of scope and procedures.
This blogs aims to differentiate these procedures by the following contexts:
∙ Purpose
∙ Materials Used
∙ Procedure
∙ Durability
∙ Cost
∙ Maintenance
Let’s dig!

∙ Dental crowns use the existing tooth as a support for fitting in the missing piece. A crown is often referred to as a cap, as it provides an outer covering for the tooth. A successful crown will look and feel as if it is your natural tooth.
∙ A dental implant replaces the entire tooth from its root after its successful removal. It has an artificial root that goes into your jaw to bridge the gap of missing tooth/teeth.

∙ Dental crowns can be made of multiple materials according to your dentist recommendation or personal preference. Examples include A) metal crowns – used for molars and are highly durable for chewing and biting purposes. B) Porcelain/ceramic crowns – highly recommended for aesthetics as they fit and match according to the natural color of your teeth.
∙ Dental implants are usually made of titanium alloy which is surgically placed in your jaw.

∙ Placing a dental crown is a less invasive procedure that involves removing decay from the existing tooth and placing the artificially made crown on top of it.
∙ Dental implant is a multi-level procedure that first involves removing the natural tooth and placing the implant in the jaw bone. Finally attaching the artificial teeth on top of it.

∙ Dental crowns are less durable than implants. Use of material type and properly maintaining oral hygiene can determine the longevity of a dental crown.
∙ Dental implants are known for being durable. They can last a long time if the surgery is successful.

∙ Dental crowns are relatively cheaper according to materials and the tooth placement area; but they might have additional maintenance and recurring costs.
∙ Dental implants are on the expensive side due to its surgical and long procedure but it is a once-and-for-all treatment option for replacing a missing tooth.

∙ Both these procedures require everyday brushing and flossing. However, routine dental check-ups are advisable in case your tooth shows any sign of wear and tear or infection.

Final Takeaway:

Dental crowns are typically used to restore existing teeth while dental implants are artificial teeth used for bridging out the gaps.
While both these dental procedures differ quite a lot, it is not a rule strictly set in stone. To gauge the severity of your dental concern and multiple treatment options, talk to our expert doctors at Village Park Family Dental or contact us at (281) 376-4444 for scheduling an appointment. Through a thorough oral exam, we will suggest the best possible treatment options and clear out any concerns regarding dental health.

Disclaimer – Use At Your Own Risk: The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as advice for any individual case or situation. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of the information from these blogs. All blogs are meant to be educational. We advise always consulting with a professional before attempting anything written in a blog. We can not guarantee all of the services that we write about in our blogs. Any attempt to perform anything written in a blog can result in serious injury or fatality without expert guidance and oversight.


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