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How Long Does Dental Anesthesia Last?

March 30, 2022

When it comes to dental procedures, many people may be concerned about the effects of anesthesia, such as how long does dental anesthesia last. Anesthesia is a vital part of any surgical procedure, and understanding the different types and how long they last can help you make an informed decision about your dental care.

Types of Anesthesia

Dental anesthetics come in three primary forms: general, local, and conscious sedation.
General anesthesia renders the patient completely unconscious, while local anesthesia numbs the area being worked on but leaves the patient awake. Conscious sedation is like a deep sleep state where the patient isn’t fully aware of what’s going on but can still respond to commands or questions. Each type has its own advantages and drawbacks that should be discussed with your dentist and anesthesiologist before making a final decision.

How Long Does It Take for Anesthesia to Wear Off?

The length of time it takes for anesthesia to wear off varies depending on the type and dosage used. Generally speaking, local anesthetics tend to wear off more quickly than general or conscious sedation. Local anesthetics usually take effect within minutes after administration and typically last about 3-4 hours before wearing off completely. General anesthetics typically take effect within minutes as well but can last up to 8 hours before wearing off completely. Conscious sedation takes effect immediately after administration and usually wears off within 2-3 hours.

How Long Does Anesthesia Stay in Your Body?

Anesthesia is metabolized out of the body fairly quickly once administered; however, that doesn’t mean it is completely gone immediately after surgery. Depending on the type used, some residual effects may remain for up to several days; oftentimes, these effects are minor such as mild nausea or dizziness that resolves over time without intervention. Additionally, some drugs used during general anesthesia can stay in your system even longer if they are fat-soluble (e.g., propofol). If you experience any prolonged or severe side effects following surgery, consult with your doctor as soon as possible so they can assess any potential risks or treatments necessary for a full recovery.


Dental anesthesia is essential for proper treatment during dental procedures; understanding how long each type lasts and its potential side effects help patients make informed decisions about their care. Each type of anesthesia – general, local, conscious sedation – has its advantages and drawbacks, which should be discussed with both a dentist and anesthesiologist prior to treatment beginning so that proper precautions can be taken should there be any unwanted side effects following surgery.

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