12617 Louetta Rd Suite #204 Cypress, TX 77429


(281) 376-4444



Monday – Friday: 08:00 am – 05:00 pm
Saturday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Open Late Evenings and Saturdays

Preventive Care Solutions For Back To School Check-Ups

August 15, 2017

If you haven’t scheduled an appointment yet, now is the time for your children to visit the dentist and make sure they head off to school with a healthy smile. We are all in the middle of the last minute rush, so this is a great time for getting some preventive care solutions for year-round dental care. It’s never fun juggling last-minute details, hoping you can get them done, and rushing from place to place. Be sure you include a dental appointment for your children now, and get your back-to-school smile ready to go.
First, a dental checkup is important for all of us, and especially for our children. According to the American Dental Association, the number one dental problem children face is cavities. Fully 19% of these problems go untreated according to the ADA. The dentists at Village Park Family Dental will examine your child’s teeth to ensure no new cavities have appeared since the last checkup. If need be he/she may order x-rays or corrective treatments. Often, dental problems can be avoided with preventive care solutions practiced at home. Also, your child’s teeth will be cleaned during the exam so that everything will be ready for the first day of school.
During your appointment, the dentist or the dental assistant will review with you and your child the proper procedures and techniques for brushing and flossing. Good brushing and flossing are two of the best preventative care solutions available. Following a rigorous schedule of performing brushing and flossing at home will help your child maintain proper dental health.
If your child participates in sports, he or she may be required to wear a protective mouthpiece. You should bring the mouthpiece to your appointment where your dentist will check its fit and condition. Children’s mouths and teeth change quickly, and the mouthpiece receives a good bit of use, so adjustments in the mouthpiece may be necessary. Making sure your child’s sports mouthpiece is properly fitted is one of the best preventative care solutions to maintaining good dental health.
At Village Park Family Dental, we strive to ensure your child’s dental health is the best it can be. Our dentists will explain and demonstrate those preventive care solutions that have been successful in maintaining good dental health. School is beginning, so if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Getting a quality dental checkup at the beginning of school is as important as booster shots and immunizations. Give us a call, and one of our professional staff will arrange an appointment for your children. We are here to see that you and your child receive the quality dental health management you expect. Call us today at 281-376-4444.

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