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(281) 376-4444



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What Do Your Teeth Look Like Under Veneers?

January 15, 2023

Dental veneers are a big commitment. It’s not easy sitting through with a dentist shaving off the enamel of your teeth. But no matter how intimidating it might seem, the results are well worth it.

A treatment fit for damaged or stained teeth, dental veneers are the perfect cosmetic dentistry option. Although, most people are concerned with what your teeth look like under veneers.

Surprisingly, there’s not that much of a big difference. It all depends on how well your teeth and veneers are sculpted. If they’re well-built and the material is thin enough, you won’t have anything to worry about.

What Do Teeth Look Like Under Veneers?

Besides losing a thin layer of enamel, your teeth look exactly how they’re supposed to under veneers. Even though the entire procedure of veneers seems too much to bear, it’s a pretty harmless treatment.

A skilled dentist knows what to shave off and how to level your teeth in accordance with the veneers. So, if you’re afraid of your teeth getting too thin, don’t worry. There’s no extra tooth getting filed down. Only the outer layer is shaved off. This helps the veneers to sit flat against your pearly whites, giving it an all-natural feel.

This way, even if your teeth don’t quite look the same, you won’t have to fret since the procedure is permanent. That’s the benefit of veneers, they can hide all imperfections and impurities with zero pain or discomfort.

What Problems Do Veneers Fix?

The best part about veneers is that they’re a wafer-thin shield of pure protection for your teeth. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your teeth or hide signs of discoloration, veneers are the answer to all your troubles. Not to mention, they’re a permanent bond, so there’s no need to pay extra for a replacement.

But besides changing the appearance of your teeth, veneers also work on fixing other problems, such as the following:

  • Broken or Cracked Teeth
  • Chipped Tooth
  • Damaged Teeth
  • Misshapen Teeth
  • Uneven or Crooked Teeth
  • Wide Gap Between Teeth
  • Yellowed or Stained Teeth

What’s The Takeaway?

To wrap it all up, Veneers are a cosmetic dentistry procedure that enhances the appearance of your teeth. Although they do require some part of your enamel to be shaved off, it’s not enough to endanger your pearly whites. The reason they need to be filed down in the first place is so that they can fit inside the mold of veneers. This helps to prevent the natural shape of your teeth, which is what they look like under the veneers.

That is to say, even after losing a layer of enamel, your teeth will look the same. Although, you might experience tooth sensitivity after the procedure. But thanks to the permanent bond of veneers, you most likely won’t feel it.

Nevertheless, for more information or queries on the subject, reach out to Village Park Family, Orthodontics & Wellness Center at (281) 376-4444. You can also come and visit us at our dental clinic at 12617 Louetta Rd Suite #204, Cypress, TX 77429, near Super Family Cuts.

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