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How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned At The Dental Office?

January 15, 2024

Give your dental hygienist no chance to say yikes upon your next dental exam. This is only possible if you maintain good personal oral hygiene. Over time, the plaque and tartar buildup become stubborn.

Your dental floss and toothbrush cannot reach every nook and cranny inside your mouth. Think of it like washing your car; with a water hose, you can wash the visible dirt particles away, but if you wipe your finger across the car’s body. It will still be untidy until you give it a nice scrub.

Why Does Dental Cleaning Hurt So Much?

Dental cleaning can cause mild discomfort due to the pressure of the tool. However, it is not painful. If you experience pain during your professional cleaning sessions, this can be due to extreme teeth sensitivity.

This sensitivity occurs due to sore gums, tooth decay, and oral disease. Intense tartar buildup can also be the cause of pain during dental cleanings. This is why dentists advise you to clean before the plaque hardens.

How Long Can You Go Without a Dental Cleaning?

The dentists usually recommend dental cleanings to be done twice a year. Even if you notice a mild plaque buildup, delaying the cleaning will only make it stubborn to remove. At maximum, you can go for a year without dental cleaning until you have your routine annual exam, where cleaning is compulsory.

You can develop and follow a strict oral hygiene regime. But this won’t compensate for a professional cleaning session. Just like you shower every day but still visit a spa every month or twice a month. Consider it a mini spa day for your pearly whites.

How Often Should I Clean My Teeth at the Dentist?

The American Dental Association suggests you should get your dental cleanings done per your dentist’s advice. For people with good oral health, it is twice a year. This further varies with the dental requirements of each patient. Some people have sensitive teeth, vulnerable to chips, cracks, and cavities; this justifies more than twice-a-year dental cleaning sessions.

Therefore, people with no dental issues need dental cleaning once or twice a year. People with severe dental issues need it every 3 months. There’s no hard and fast evidence to rule out how much cleaning is too much.

Disadvantages of Teeth Cleaning

There are no disadvantages to teeth cleaning for your teeth. But it can be disadvantageous to your pocket. Your dentist can suggest multiple cleanings in a year if you are a potential candidate for gum disease and oral health problems. Most dental insurance providers approve coverage for two cleaning sessions twice a year.

Key Takeaway

How long has it been since your last dental cleaning session? The more you delay, the more intense it will be for you and your dentist. Visit Dr. Saba Ahmed at Village Park for a relaxing yet professional dental cleaning session. Our seasoned dentist believes your mouth is a gateway to oral health. Call us at (281) 376-4444 to book an appointment.

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